At CRV Recycling Solutions,
we accept California Redemption Value (CRV)

CRV is a program that encourages the recycling of beverage containers by charging a fee when you buy them and reimbursing you when you recycle them. Only beverage containers purchased in California can be redeemed for a refund.

Aluminum Recycling

CRV aluminum cans are lightweight, 100% recyclable beverage containers that can be redeemed for cash through California’s CRV (California Redemption Value) program. Recycling these cans conserves energy, reduces waste, and helps create a sustainable circular economy.

Aluminum Points: Carbonated Water Beverages

  • Carbonated Soft Drinks

  • Carbonated Fruit Drinks

  • Beer and Malt Beverages

Plastic Recycling

CRV plastic bottles are recyclable containers commonly used for beverages and other liquids, marked with a California Redemption Value (CRV) that incentivizes consumers to return the bottles for recycling and receive a refund. These bottles help promote sustainability by encouraging proper disposal and reuse.

  • PET (#1) – Used in beverage bottles; recycled into new bottles, clothing, and packaging.

  • HDPE (#2) – Found in milk jugs & detergent bottles; repurposed into pipes, plastic lumber, and more.

  • PP (#5) – Common in food containers; transformed into automotive parts, containers, and textiles.

  • LDPE (#4) – Used in plastic bags & films; recycled into trash can liners and plastic lumber.

  • PS (#6) – Found in foam products; turned into insulation and picture frames.

Glass Recycling

CRV glass bottles are 100% recyclable containers typically used for beverages, labeled with a California Redemption Value (CRV) to encourage consumers to return them for a refund upon recycling. These bottles are reusable and promote environmental sustainability by reducing waste and supporting recycling efforts.

Glass: Carbonated Water Beverages

  • Beer and Malt Beverages

  • Wine Coolers and Distilled Spirit Coolers

  • Carbonated Fruit Drinks

It Pays to Recycle with CRV Recycling!

Unlock the True Value of Your Recyclables with CRV Recycling

You put in the effort to recycle, so why settle for less? It’s time to cash in on your recycling efforts with CRV.