Orange Recycling Center

Recycling Centre in Orange

We all want to enjoy a peaceful stroll through the streets of Orange, California. Who doesn’t like the air to be crisp and trees swaying gently in the breeze? You can enjoy these benefits if you keep your neighborhood clean. If you are passionate about preserving the natural charm of Orange California, you should pay a visit to the Orange recycling center.

We want you to do something wonderful for the environment. As you read more about our Orange Recycling Center, you’ll see how easy it is to make a positive impact.

CRV Recycling Center Riverside, CA

Orange CA

Orange is a vibrant city situated in the heart of California. It is known for its rich history and charming surroundings. Orange is a welcoming community with a deep sense of cultural heritage. The city is represented by tree-lined streets, historic neighborhoods, and a charming downtown area.
With a population that values environmental alertness, Orange CA has become a hub for sustainable practices. The Orange Recycling Center plays a significant role in this eco-conscious community.

Orange County Recycling Centre

Our mission is clear: to provide the community with an easy and accessible Orange recycling center. Our dedicated staff has set new standards in waste management. We rank first the convenience of our customers. We value your time and convenience. You can easily dump your excessive junk materials at our place.

Accepted Materials

Our cutting-edge recycling facilities are equipped to handle large daily volumes of waste.

We accept

  • Aluminum
  • Plastics
  • Glass
  • Bi-metal


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Why Choose CRV Solutions?

You can enjoy the following benefits offered by CRV Recycling Orange by choosing us. You will never be disappointed by our services.

Accessible for All Ages

Our facility is designed with everyone in mind. Whether you’re a young environmental enthusiast or a seasoned recycler, our setup is easy to follow.

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Ample Parking

Worried about finding a spot for your car? No need! Our Orange recycling center comes with plenty of hassle-free parking spaces. You can just pull right in,
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Online Resources for Directions

For those new to our location, finding us is just a click away. Our website gives clear directions and a map to guide you right to our door.

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Efficient Drop-Off Zones

Navigating our center is easy. Marked drop-off zones give a smooth experience. You won’t need to wander around wondering where to

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Extended Hours

We get it life can be pretty hectic. That’s why we’ve made sure to keep our doors open at convenient times. From early birds to night owls, our flexible operating

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Community-Focused Service

Our team is dedicated to serving the community. Friendly faces are always ready to help with any questions or concerns you may have. We’re here to

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Centrally Located

Our Orange County Recycling Center holds a prime spot right in the heart of Orange, California. It’s the beating heart of our town’s recycling efforts.

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Well-Maintained Facilities

We take pride in keeping our center clean and organized. Neatly arranged bins and clear signage make it easy for you to sort and deposit your recyclables. You’ll find it

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Our Services at Orange County Recycling Center

At our Orange County Recycling Center, we accept a wide range of materials, including:


Heavy metals found in e-waste, including mercury, lithium, lead, and barium, can seep through the soil and contaminate groundwater. Once in the groundwater, these

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Heavy metals pose a dual threat: they contribute to environmental and atmospheric pollution while also posing a potential

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Choosing products made from recycled glass not only saves 40% in energy compared to new glass but also reduces emissions of

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Plastic is a curse to our environment, that’s why our team at Orange County Recycling Center keeps checking on your plastic

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Paper and Cardboard

At our Orange County Recycling Center, we take care of your paper trash, be it: magazines, newspapers, or cardboard boxes – we’ve got it covered.

Hazardous Waste (Limited)

We want you to live in a safe and pollution-free environment, therefore we offer certain types of hazardous waste recycling as a

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Be the Change the Planet Needs

Contact Us!

We invite you to be a part of our efforts. Visit us today. Experience firsthand how we’re reshaping recycling practices in Orange, California. Together, let’s build a greener and cleaner future for our community and beyond.

By choosing the Orange Recycling Center, you’re not just recycling. You are actively contributing to the conservation of our environment. Join CRV Sites in our mission!